
One of the things that the Father has released to us at this time is fasting; being able to turn away flesh to allow for spiritual growth. One of the key components to all of this is perception. Perception is the way you view/your internal output regarding a specific topic. My perception of fasting is […]

Answers to Prayers

            Does God really answer our prayers?  Well, that’s like asking if He is truly faithful or is God really God?  Of-course our Father hears us when we pray, and yes, He really does answer.             As we were listening to the Word going forth this morning something really hit me; why do we question […]

Free Thought

Most of the time, my blogs have a certain phrase or keyword to base them around. For some odd reason, this is one of the few times, the more I sit on it, the more nothing comes up. So I am just going to share what is on my heart! There have been many things […]

Guard Your Mind. Guard Your Heart.

            I am becoming more and more aware of the importance of guarding our minds and our hearts, especially when we are going through trials in life.  Recently I posted a testimony, when to be honest, in my flesh, I didn’t really feel like it.  I was really at a low point that evening, but […]


Holy Spirit continues to remind me that we are to remain grounded in the Lord. Remember that we should remain in his presence regardless of what we are hit with. The word “resilience” came to mind whenever I thought about what has been going on in my life, as well as those around me. Although […]


            My husband and I have recently been reading the book, “His Glory Goes With Us” by Pastor Grace Akalonu.  Her testimony has truly been an eye opener and is challenging us on many levels to grow in our own relationship with the Father.              It has really touched my heart to see how deeply […]


The Holy Spirit laid it on my heart this week to pray for His remnant as well as those in the world. I have had an odd number of dreams that have been awakening to me and I can not stress enough the importance of needing to stay connected. There are some who are being […]

Love is Sacrifice

            When Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, right before the mob came to take Him, He spent time in prayer. Matthew 26:39 39 And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I […]

Naked, Not Ashamed

The Lord has been giving us a steady flow of Spiritual insight as to what is happening in the world. Here recently, Texas banned abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Many Americans ran towards their nearest social media platform to iterate how distasteful it was to them. The world, and some even in the church, […]

Reflecting on His Faithfulness

As I reflect over the many trials I’ve faced in my life, I’m reminded of just how amazing our Father truly is. It is reflecting on all that the Father has already done in my life that helps me to hold on and have faith as my family faces yet another trial.  I’m reminded that […]


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