Protecting Purpose – Session 2

Scripture makes it quite obvious that God cherishes the carriers of His covenant. At long last, He had found one suitable to invest His interests, and He wasn’t going to let His seed be destroyed, especially by Satan, the primary enemy of His plan. Therefore, God’s strong hand of judgment throughout the Old Covenant was […]

Abraham’s Example – Session 1.2

Love. It is the foundational theme of the Bible, the defining attribute of its author, and the lens through which we can begin to understand God. His plan and His purpose for creation are rooted in His loving nature. Therefore, to understand love is to understand God and His methods. As human beings, we tend […]

Consider Israel – Session 1.1

Consider Israel. Why does a nation so small command so much attention? Is it because they are the main characters of the most famous book ever written? Is it because they were the victims of one of the deadliest genocides in world history? Could it be because it boasts many of the world’s wealthiest people […]


Introduction The other day Brittney and I stumbled upon a very interesting documentary by a photojournalist named Lauren Greenfield. She began her career taking pictures of third world countries and the poverty that is often a part of them, but she ended up making her living photographing the extreme excess of the rich and famous […]

The Purpose of a Curse

One of the more tragic developments within the Christian world is the gradual depreciation of Salvation. A single soul won is worth the praise of armies of angels, yet in many places, the value of a person’s salvation has been marginalized in favor of denominational members. Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! […]

Vengeance Is Mine – Part 2

Power In Blood Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. The statement made by the Lord, “I will repay” actually makes literal sense. By His righteousness, Jesus, alone earned the resources needed to pay for the […]

Vengeance Is Mine – Part 1

Forgiving is not easy, especially when the worst people do the most unthinkable things to the most undeserving people. All too often, tragedy at the hands of evil seems to fall upon those who’ve apparently done nothing worthy of the hardships they are made to endure. As the common question goes, “why do bad things […]

The Perils of Perversion Part 7 – The Third Watch

The Night Season As we’ve discussed and discovered, our anticipation of the Lord’s return is critical. The close comparison of the two fishing miracles reveals the very different outcomes of those who are eagerly expecting Jesus arrival and those who aren’t. In both instances, they had been fishing all night, and in both cases, Jesus […]

The Perils of Perversion Part 6 – Just Keep Fishing

As we have learned, perversion is best described as willful operation in darkness, particularly in the presence of light. As believers in Christ it is of the utmost importance that our deeds of love be made manifest to all men, so that our light continues to shine in the midst of darkness. Luke 12:35-36 “35Let […]