Fame Kills…Even Jesus

Everybody wants fame and notoriety, supposing that it is a requirement to be heard. Interestingly, Jesus often worked towards the opposite.

Chaos for Comfort

The Lord is not only a judge of individuals but a judge of nations. Just as a single individual reap what they have sown, entire nations face the consequences of their collective actions.

Veils, Unveiled Pt. 7 – Culture of Fornication

Culture of Fornication Message Notes: We live in a culture of fornication. People want “friends with benefits,” covenant without commitment and fulfillment without faithfulness. They covet spiritual advantages without the patience required to receive them, so they fornicate. But what does fornication mean or indicate, spiritually? People would rather circumvent God’s laws for a quick, […]

Veils, Unveiled Pt. 6 – Behind the Veil

Why God Eventually Removes the Veil: The Cause for Judgment As we’ve discovered, God is in charge of veils and no other entity should manipulate them beyond the Lord’s control or authority. He alone is in charge of veils, the purpose they are designs to protect and the judgment they are created to prevent. But […]

Veils, Unveiled Pt. 5 – When Men Destroy Veils

Review of previous sessions: Veils has been an amazing series: We began by discussing birth pains as they are described in Romans 8. The whole world, including the saints, groans with “birth pains,” awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God which is the fullness of God’s purpose, revealed in His children. We continued by […]

Veils, Unveiled Pt. 4 – Spilt Blood Speaks

New Conception and New Birth The first, old covenant led to the conception of the seed of Christ through the faith of Abraham. After forming and developing in the womb of Israel, Jesus was born into His physical form within flesh, becoming a manifestation of the first covenant. While fulfilling and delivering on the promises […]